i can help you identify core narratives, shape story arcs and develop a compelling delivery style, resulting in great stories memorably shared.

Via phone and in-person coaching, as well as through emails, a teller identifies, shapes and practices a story. This is a structured, multi-step process that enables an individual to quickly target a story idea and begin documenting it. It unfolds at the pace set by the teller with consistent check-ins from the coach.

i specialize in true, first-person stories for all occasions.

Corporate narrative development

  • The workplace needs great stories to communicate complicated ideas clearly. I can help you identify key narratives, from mentorship stories, to origin stories to overcoming-failure stories to help you express your goals and values.

TED Talk presentation coaching

  • The most effective TED Talks are the ones that sound least like a TED Talk, even with the slide show. I can help you shape a narrative that meets the needs of the audience, and the tone of the night, while retaining your own sense of charm and wit so your talk is the most compelling.

Personal or intimate-occasion story shaping

  • Wedding toasts, birthday roasts, funeral remembrances or retirement farewells – life is filled with moments that require the right words at the right time. I can help you sift through years of memories – and complex emotions – to create a succinct, authentic story that suits the occasion.

Toasts and after-dinner remarks

  • You want to be funny and breezy, timely and clever, but you also want to be memorable and remarkable. I can help you put together a story, or set of stories, that will delight and entertain with a light touch.

Keynote story shaping

  •  I can help you shape a story that’s got the right message, tone and length to suit your keynote speaking opportunity. I can help you develop a narrative that has enough vulnerability to be compelling, enough surprise to be entertaining and enough polish to be inspiring. 

Emcee coaching

  • I can help you develop your own style as an emcee. I offer specific, practical Do’s and Don’t’s, and help you identify the event’s goals and tone, as well as your own priorities. This is scalable depending on whether nights are hosted by one person or several.

Group storytelling concert coaching/facilitation

  •  I will work with your organization to develop best practices for true, first-person telling, focusing on empathy, truth and emotional safety for tellers and audience members.

Above photo by Nick Oza/The Arizona Republic